The Bigger Picture
Peyton Johnston
October 2nd, 2017
The Book of Job
In his grief, Job wanted to give in. He was sick and tired of being… Well, of being sick and tired! He had come from a life of luxury, but was suddenly tossed into a new reality filled with destruction of everything he held dear. His wealth was wiped out, his children’s lives tragically taken, his health was next to nonexistent, and his wife and closest friends were slowly becoming his worst enemies through their misguided judgement.
Job was confused. Had he not shown himself a loyal servant to God’s kingdom? Why was he being tormented in such a devastating way?
Overwhelmed with the feeling complete helplessness and a desperation to be free from his discomfort, he pleaded with the Lord to just let him die. He was done with living a miserable life. But God wasn’t finished yet. He did not grant Job’s request because He had a much greater plan for him.
Our tendency, like Job, is to give up and get out when the going gets rough. We can’t see the bigger picture. We don’t know the end result. And so it can feel as though we’ve been abandoned in our time of frustration. But if we just hold on, we’ll discover that God never leaves us, but is instead, constantly creating an incredible future beyond our tangible, human reach. And perhaps, at times He may even be simply weighing the level of our confidence in Him to see if we are yet ready to step into the next level of a greater opportunity.
Trusting God in the good times is commendable, but trusting Him in the difficult times tests your limits and exercises your faith. You have to understand that in many instances, hardships that you face in life are not a direct result of living in sin, but are simply approved or appointed by God as a part of His plan to better you and to impart in you lessons that living an easy life could never teach. If you keep your hope in the Lord, you’ll see that His goodness never fails and He will not only restore what’s been lost, but bless you beyond belief.
Job’s response to his suffering is obviously understandable. But from his life, we should realize that questioning God doesn’t change anything - it just prolongs your suffering. We need to remember that God sees and knows more than we can grasp, and He is working behind the scenes to complete our lives’ masterpieces. We see a small frame, but He knows every intimate detail of the bigger picture. Just stand firm. Don’t give up. He will faithfully come through in time!
When you find yourself in a situation of struggle, you can reply with either “Why me?” or “Use me!”. One comes from a place of doubt and fear, the other from faith and strength.
Which will you choose?
Pray: “God, whatever you decide to give or take from my life, I trust You. Give me enough strength and faith to carry me through my trouble. And while I’m in a time of pressure, speak into my life and let me be used for the good of Your Kingdom!”