Count Your Blessings Not Your Voids
Peyton Johnston
November 23rd, 2017
Numbers 11
I’m not sure that the Israelites ever truly learned the art of being content. They didn’t seem to ever really notice all the great things God was doing for them because were too preoccupied wallowing in their self-proclaimed misery. God had brought them from a life of wicked abuse and suffering, and never failed to provide for their every need. They had been set free, made into a nation, possessed God’s favor, and were on their way to their promised land. Yet, they persistently demoralized their leader and insulted God by minimizing the pain of their past and shamelessly voicing their disdain for what they felt their lives lacked.
They had become so consumed by their dissatisfaction and impatience that they developed a delusion of what their old life had been like. Somehow in their daydreaming, they forgot about the brutal slavery God had delivered them from - so much so that their hearts fixated on an obsession over the Egyptian lifestyle they convinced themselves they used to enjoy.
Ok - anyone else at this point thinking: “C’mon, Israelites, are you for real?! Get it together!”
But before we judge the Israelites too harshly, let’s think on this - how often do we show the same lack of gratitude for what God has done for us? In different ways, He has shown us the same grace and mercy toda. Yet we, too, are guilty of sometimes exchanging a heart of gratitude for a heart of greed. Are we grateful for what God has given us, or are we always thinking about something else we wish we had? Do we display a thankful spirit, or do we constantly complain about things? Dissatisfaction comes when our attention shifts from our blessings to our voids. We should not allow our unfulfilled desires to cause us to under-appreciate and devalue the gifts God has given us. And we certainly should never allow a trying season to cause us to forget God’s goodness, or to convince us to question God or His appointed leaders.
Another bit of food for thought - Matthew 7:11 tells of how God delights in giving us good things. If He’s withholding something from you, it’s only because God knows it isn’t good for your life!
During this season of thanksgiving - and in every season of your life - try to count your blessings more than your voids.
Pray: “God, no matter my situation, let me never get so caught up in my voids that I lose the ability to see my blessings. You have given me life, salvation, and a place in Your Kingdom - for those things alone, You deserve all the praise and thanks I can give!”