In Due Season
Peyton Johnston
February 25th, 2018
Leviticus 26:3-13
Rain is necessary. It refreshes. Restores. Heals. It gives life.
But rain can also destroy a seed if it comes at the wrong time. If the ground is not prepared – if it has not been properly sowed – the rain is useless. Harmful, in fact. It would drown out the seed’s nutrients. It would cripple its progress. And the seed would cease to grow any further.
God says that when we show ourselves obedient and true to His Word, He will send the rain – He will provide increase and abundant blessings. And all of this, He promises, will come to pass “in due season.”
The word “season” is derived from the Latin root “satio(n-)”, which means “ time of sowing.”
In order for God’s blessings for our lives to yield growth and not destruction, the ground must undergo a time of sowing. You see, God created the seasons of the Earth as a way to bring balance and prosperity. Each season brings something that the next needs in order to sustain life. Just like the Earth, our lives depend on the different seasons to bring stability.
During our drought, God is giving us the chance to tend to our soil – to get our lives ready to step into the next season. He’s waiting to send the rain into our situation at the exact time when we will prosper the most from it. We have to understand that while our heavenly Father is eager to give us the desires of our hearts, He loves us too much to send us the right thing at the wrong time.
Your season of preparation is sure to turn to a season of plenty… in due time. God promised it in His Word, and His Word is always true. But be sure that while you wait for your blessing, you do not forsake your time of sowing. For without preparation, your blessing will fall on unstable ground. Be patient and continue to obey His decrees, and you’ll see His faithfulness poured out in the most perfect timing.
Pray: “Lord, whatever the season I’m in may bring, I will never stop following your word. I will never lose hope in Your promises. You have given me so many blessings already, and I have no doubt that You will send the rain I need again when the time is right.”